About Me

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I am a film student in my third and final year at University College Falmouth and trying to ready myself for the big wide world of working in the film industry.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Dear Diary moment!

Yesterday was our first shoot/test shoot for Jade' documentary which is currently being called "Treasure". Although it as just a test shoot we all decided that if it went well, we would use the footage from it.

We were a bit slow to start because of having to run a few errands but as soon as we set up and got rolling every thing went fairly smoothly. I had a set up of 3 cameras consisting of;
- A Panasonic P2, filming a constant wide angle shot that will be sped up and used in the edit of the whole thing taking place including the crew and the people Jade questions.
- I also had 2 Canon 5D Mark II set up. One was set up with a wide angle (10-20mm) lens, that remains static throughout the people talking. The other 5D had a 55-200mm and involved me filming different shots between a medium shot and a close up of either the person or the object they are talking about.

We also had 3 other cameras just floating around taking shots of the production, so it was like camera heaven. The test shoot was a great opportunity to just practice and to make sure we all knew what we had to do and hopefully the other shoots which run just as smoothly. 

Today was another day filming with Miles, this time we were exploring Kynance Cove which was beautiful even if it did involve scaling a rock (causing me at one point to fall over). We got some good shots from the day involving caves and water bursting out from under the rocks. We only really have one location left now, and we may go to a few more to get some small pieces of footage, we will also probably go back to Praa Sands a re shoot a few more things, now that i have a better idea of the stuff we are trying to get.

Day 1 - Jades Production.

Before things get rolling.
Setting up the Canon 5D Mark II
Framing up.
Collette (producer) helping me with the white balance.
Joe (sound) setting up.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Loe Bar Photos

Some photos from today's adventure to Loe Bar.

Loe Bar: 3rd Day of shooting with Miles

Filmed 02/03/11 (probably best watched without the sound as it is a little of putting, and wont be on the final cut anyway)
By Nicola Duke
This is a piece from Loe Bar.

Monday 28 February 2011

More stuff from Miles'

Filmed 26/02/11 (probably best watched without the sound as it is a little of putting, and wont be on the final cut anyway)
By Nicola Duke
This is a piece from Praa sands filmmed a couple of weeks ago.

Sunday 27 February 2011


So far....
2 days filming with Katarina, not full days so we still have a lot to film which we are hoping to get done on the 19th of March.
2 days filming with Miles done, i believe we have about 3 locations left to do, and maybe a return journey to the forest in Feock, and maybe Praa Sands again as i wasn't so organised in the sense that the camera ran out of battery so some of the shooting was a bit rushed.

I want to get the shot list and shooting script done and dusted in the next few days which will help us to know what we will be filming on what day.

On the cards for next week...
Monday 28th February
Meeting with Jade and Co to go over the last few things ready for filming. 19:00 

Tuesday 1st/Wednesday 2nd March
Shooting with Miles on the 3rd Location on whichever day has the best weather.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Taster from the Miles Bowe Footage

Filmed 26/02/11 (probably best watched without the sound as it is a little of putting, and wont be on the final cut anyway)
By Nicola Duke
A smidgen of footage from shooting with the Mr Miles Bowe today which involved a nice muddy trek around Feock and to use my brand new walking boots to the extreme.

We got quite a lot of interesting stuff captured today as we stumbled across alot of wildlife mainly consisting of horny frogs and a flirty robin. The piece of footage i have uploaded is of some greenery growing in a pond with a lovely focus pull which blurs nicely with the shine of the sun :)
I would upload more but i think its best saved for the final cut. I may upload a piece for every location.

Thursday 24 February 2011

Day 2 - Katarina' Shoot

Only a short day today, so only a few photos. Should be filmming again on the 19th March.
Photography: Ella Watkins
Lighting: Mike Daye
Cineamatographer: Nicola Duke

Schedule for February.

Thursday 24th February:
Filming with Katarina - 16:30 - 19:00

Friday 25th February:
Test shots/storyboarding with Sara - 18:30

Saturday 26th February:
Filmming with Miles - All day

Sunday 27th February:
Test Shoots/story boarding with Sara - 17:00

Monday 28th February:
Meeting with Jade - 19:00

Wednesday 23 February 2011

What i am up to now.

Katarina Complova - One day down, but still more to do. However filming has been postponed at the moment and hopefully it won't be long before we are up and running again.

Most of the shots we took yesterday were fairly static in that Lillie (Dancer) wasn't dancing and we were just dong static shots for Katarina to edit around. The next sessions we have will involve using the crane, spider dolly and Steadicam.

Jade Jones - Had a meeting with Jade for style of the documentary. We discussed what kind of shots she wanted which will pretty much consist of a variation of close ups, medium shots and wide shots. Which I figure will best be done with a two camera set up and we are going to try and use Canon 5D Mark II as long as they are available. If not it will be back to the Canon 550D.

Miles Bowe – We did a day of filming last Saturday at Praa Sands, which was fairly productive, however next time I am going to see if I can get hold of an extra battery to take on the next shoot, as we are outdoors with nowhere to charge the battery. We will hopefully be shooting again This Saturday.

Sara Mc Feat – We did a bit of a practice with some shots and some lighting. However we are going to have one last look for a location before settling on the one we have. We also have some actors interested and we are going to plan auditions for them. Also look at the other locations such as the park and the street.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Day 1 - Production (Katarina Complova)

Day 1 - Katarina Complova' Production
Photography/AD - Ella Watkins
Cinematographer- Nicola Duke
Lighting - Mike Daye
Sound - Miles Bowe

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Lighting practice part 3

Lighting Practice part 2

Photography: Nicola Duke
Lighting: Katarina Complova, Mike Daye, Nicola Duke
Model: Katarina Complova

Photos from Lighting Tests

Photography: Nicola Duke.
Lighting: Katarina Complova, Micheal Daye, Nicola Duke.
Model: Katarina Complova.

Friday 28 January 2011


Today was another day in the TV studio, this time practising with some lighting, and i had a better look at the Canon 5d which i will be using to film Katarina's Dance film. Photos coming up later.

As for other projects...

Still going through afew script changes on the Short 10 minute film i am working on with Sarah. However i have been working on a few ideas for shots that i have been sketching out. Hopefully as soon as the script is done i can work on a shooting script and storyboards.

I also have another project to add to the others, which is for Miles Bowe who is travelling across various coastal locations, using different microphones to gather recordings and needed some accompanying footage, which is where i come in.

Thursday 27 January 2011

14th January - Me and Katarina booked out the TV studio to have a practice with the Steadicam. We practiced with both the Canon 550d and the Canon 5d. Using the 550d was much harder mainly due to a few weight issues, as the 550d with a 50mm lens was considerably lighter than the 5d that had a battery pack on and quite a heavy lens. Next time we attempt to practice were going to have to have a few tricks up our sleeves in regards to weighing it down and hopefully it will work much better.

21st January - Katarina and I, again booked out the TV studio this time to practice with the dolly. We had a few complications with this, which i think we manage to sort out.

26th January - i met with Sarah to go over a few ideas for script changes. Also we went over a brief schedule of things we need to do to get the ball rolling.

So today me and Sarah have a meeting with our tutors to go over what we have done and what we plan to do. After that we are going to check out a couple of locations we can use as the films main location. when this is done we hope to have the dates of when we are going to film.

Tomorrow i will be again joining Katarina and a few other members of the crew to go over some lighting ideas for her experimental dance film.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Half Past Childhood (2010)
Camera operator/ Cinematographer
A short film about two friends who run away together and discover a magical place that takes them back to their childhood.

Previous Work

El Cuervo (2009)
Camera operater/Cinematography
 - A Silent film that pays hommage to german expressionism and the surrealist styles of F.W Murnau and Luis Bunuel.

Thursday 13 January 2011


So as part of my third year practical portfolio I have 3 projects to work on. The first is a 10 minute short film directed by Sara Mcfeat, the second is a documentary directed by Jade Jones and the third is an experimental Dance film directed by Katarina Complova.

The first step I propose to take when working on the short film is to go through the script and make notes on what I think will look good and what will work.

As for the documentary, due to the nature of it being a "documentary" much of what will be shot will be planned there and then. However there is still a certain style that myself and the director wants to achieve therefore we will be planning what type of shots we want beforehand. This will include looking at locations, lenses we want to use, and to a certain extent the positioning of the camera's as we have already discussed using two so as to capture everything as it happens from more than one position.

For Katarina' experimental dance film I will be helping her with the camera work. Leading up to the project we will be practising and training ourselves with various tools used with the camera.

Any practices and training I do with the camera will be documented and included in my portfolio.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

A few Photos from my first little practice with my Canon 550d.
plus i don't have anything against trolls they are my Prosthetic Technician friend Lucy Zombie! http://zombielucy.blogspot.com/